7 Reasons Every Business Should Use A Media Buyer
It is my belief and recommendation that every business that is buying television or radio advertising, use a media buyer to help them negotiate and purchase the media. I have listed 7 reasons below why I recommend you use a media buyer versus buying it yourself.
Reason #1: There’s no additional cost to you to use a media buyer
- You pay the same advertising rates you pay the television and radio stations with or without using a media buyer. Radio and television stations build into their rates a commission to pay their sales reps and to compensate media buyers. When you use an accredited media buyer to negotiate and purchase your advertising, the media buyer is paid a commission by the television or radio station. There’s no mark up. So, whether you buy the advertising yourself or use a media buyer, you pay the same rates.
Reason #2: When you buy media for a living, you get good at it
- Logically, if you spend all day doing one thing, you’re going to get very proficient at it. Buying media is no different. Because media buyers purchase advertising on multiple stations for multiple clients, they don’t have to guess if they got a good deal or not, they know it. Plus, there are many other negotiable items that can add a tremendous amount of value you may not be aware of unless you buy a lot of media. Media buyers have great relationships with sales reps and are often given preferential treatment regarding lower rates, bonusing and shorter cancellation notices.
Reason #3: Buying advertising is more than just getting low rates
- Good media buyers know how to build effective reach and frequency campaigns. That’s not to be confused with getting a lot of ads. It’s when and how often the ads are aired within certain time periods that matters. Media buyers have access to ratings information and reach and frequency software tools to build effective campaigns. Without that software, you won’t know if it’s an effective schedule no matter how good a deal you think you got on the rates.
Reason #4: Copy writing and production
- You can have the lowest rates on the station but if the commercial message is not well written and produced, the results often can be disappointing or not be as effective as it should. Media buyers can provide or recommend commercial video and audio production services including copy writers, voice talent, and jingles. Most radio and television production departments do not have the personnel or time to focus on writing and producing commercials, so you often get average “me too” quality at best.
Reason #5: Access to competitor advertising information
- Media buyers have access to research to see which television and radio stations a competitor may be advertising on and how much they are spending. Media buyers use this information to make recommendations on television and radio stations to consider buying or not buying depending on the competitive landscape. We also have information about the commercial copy they are using and the offers they are making. This information can be very important to have when planning a media buy and creative strategy.
Reason #6: Invoice verification
- If you have ever looked at a media invoice, you know how confusing it can be. One of the services a media buyer does, is invoice verification. Is what you are being charged for match up with what was ordered? Often there are mistakes especially running ads outside of dayparts or with airing the wrong copy. Often advertisers end up paying the invoice without checking for mistakes because they simply don’t have the time. Good media buyers check invoices to make sure the ads ran correctly and if they didn’t, seek compensation from the media including make goods or credits.
Reason #7: How much is your time worth?
- Media buyers can save you a tremendous amount time. It can take many hours of your time to contact stations and meeting with media sales reps, to spending time on commercial copy, to looking over invoices, to responding to media sales reps calls and emails, etc. Media buyers provide you with one point of contact to make your daily planning much more time efficient.
Free offer: To request a free evaluation of your current television or radio campaign or have a television/radio media plan prepared for your business, call 817-991-3138 or email ron@rmfadvertising.com.